My tour started on saturday at 4 am and I go by car with my brother to the airport in Prag. There I met Ondra and Katka, the other students from the University of Hradec Kralove, CZ, and prepared for journey. I and Ondra traveled for the first time by plane, so we really enjoyed the flight. And then it started... Copenhagen is a big city and we lost for a while...first time this day... We just told: "never mind...can happen..." And then we bought train tickets and more than half an hour we waited for the train nad finally started our exciting journey...Everything was Ok til the time, when we to say it...We don´t understand Danish, so we didn´t leave the train in Fredericia, or somethink like this, and traveled far far away...I think we left the train in we traveled around one half of Denmark and we were so tired...But it was funny, we played some games and laughed in the silent zone in the train, I have never known it before. Finally we stopped in Haderslev and Jesper Friis Kissow waited for me to take me home...sweet home...
Hello Vojta, how are zou doing with the blog-thing?