Monday, April 26, 2010

Great evening with turkish family in residence!

Hugge, hugge, hugge!!! And it wasn't no enough hugge!
The turkish family from Fredericia is very open and friendly and if you say whatever positive - that they are! I saw them for the first time on saturday, 17th of April. Sinem, Seyhan and Zelishka were in their house before, but for me and Viki it was like "blind date"! And it was so great! At the beginning was only ide: what about to visit this family? and in the end was quetion: Why we have to leave? They took care about us, about new people they didn't know before. It was so amazing, how they behaved to us! We got great breakfast with all family members and we walked in the city and bought some presents for our friends and family. Then we saw a sea and walked on the beach! Talking in the evening was so great! Then they asked us to stay doring the night! I was schocked, but it was so huggely time that we couldn't say NO! :D
On sunday, we ate delicious breakfast and drink typical turkish coffee! Then Zelishka predicted our future from the rest of coffee in cup. Then we decided to go fishing and Sinem caught a fish. :D I really enjoyed this time! After that we went to their own pizza-restaurant. I had really delicious meal: kebab and turkish bread and vegetable... yamy!!! The great time ended with barbecue and unwanted leaving back to Haderslev. We got tastefull desert typical in Turkey for travel and now, when I'm writting this post, I really miss it and I'm hungry!!! :D :D :D
Fortunately they visited us too! They came today about 5 pm and we spent amazing 4 hours together! The time ran so fast. We prepared typical czech and turkish meal and talked together. Than Viki sang hungarian song, Seyhan and Zaliha sang song from Azerbaijanand Turkey and danced together with our turkish friends! And, like every tale has to end, we had to say last bye to them. I hope that we will see aech other in the future!!!
Hope dies last!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Drama lesson in Aabenraa

Drama lessons were quiet good! We enjoyed it very much, because it was somethink new for us. Some of us had experiences with acting, but the others like me, it was first experience and experiences of acting! Teacher was full of ideas what to do and he used quiet good pieces of music like a backround. We played with masks and without words... you can imagine, that it was difficult at the beginning, but we throw out our shyness and it was a theatre! Teacher was really kind and very often commended us!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Practice in Realskole

Practice in Realskole, Haderslev, is very nice and useful. Teachers are kind, helpful and try to do for us maximum! Our practice take 2 weeks and every week 13 lessons. Because I didn't have any music in my plan, I asked music teacher, if I can visit her lessons too. So I took 4 more lessons. I really enjoyed first week of practice and I hope, this two last days of practice in second week will be the same!!! On friday we are finaly going to teach the 8.grade in one lesson. Teacher is not in Haderslev this day, thats why she asked us, if we can substitute her in this lesson. So I'm looking forward to teache with Sophie and Aurélie together! Finaly we will get some information about Denmark, because we are going to ask them to present Dnemark! They are really good class, so I hope, they will cooperate! :D

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Trip to Legoland!!!

The eastern holiday started and I didn't know what to do... Finally some ideas came! LEGOLAND! On Saturday it was for the first day open, half price of tickets and a lot of fun!!! Weather was not so good, little bit cold, but without rain! Members of trip were: Loes, Viki, Caroline, Seyhan, Sinem, Zeliha, Katka, Ondra, Mery and me! Everyone had to pack up raincoat, big snack and GOOD MOOD! Silly game "BOOM" accompanied us during all trip! And the result of all-day walking was: tired feet!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Module 1 - Comparative Studies

This module is based on basic subjects like Danish language, danish history, literature and film. This is the way, how to show us some information about Denmark and his culture. It´s very good, that these subjects are mixed during the day with another subjects: for example in one day you usualy have 2 subjects, danish language and atr, or globalisation and citizenship. Theoretical lesson alternates more practical. That´s good idea, I think!
I was very surprised, when first Comparative Studies lesson started. The teacher was so energic and enthusiastic. The style of her lesson is really an experience! And I think, it is good to get some new information about school system in Denmark and compare them with systems of other countries.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

2nd week :-)

So now we know, how everything is going and working in UCSyd and I think it´s great! Practice day was great too and now we know lot of thinks about education in Denmark. I think it is a good idea to do some practice in the beginning of Erasmus stay! Teachers in Realskole are very friendly and many of them wanted us to visit their lessons! I spent there more time then I had to! It was amazing! I´m looking forward to future observation! This week was full of interesting lessons and we got new information about Danish history, language and also globalization! Now we are preparing for Copenhagen´s trip! I hope we will visit lot of sights of this wonderful city and enjoy this time with great people from all Europe, of course!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

1st week in "new school"

Mondey, 1.2.2010, Haderslev, building C, time: 9:00 a.m.

Teacher are very friendly, helpful and if you have some questions or need help, advice there is no problem to ask whoever. So we started to introduce ourselves, what we study, where we are from... The time runs so fast. It was a great start!!!
I had some lessons like Danish language, art (very interesting), comparative studies and information technology (trying to do this blog :D). Tomorow I will have first school practice visit in 7.C class in Haderslev Realskole, but it will be in a group of 3-4 people, so it will be fine, I think.

1st day...

My tour started on saturday at 4 am and I go by car with my brother to the airport in Prag. There I met Ondra and Katka, the other students from the University of Hradec Kralove, CZ, and prepared for journey. I and Ondra traveled for the first time by plane, so we really enjoyed the flight. And then it started... Copenhagen is a big city and we lost for a while...first time this day... We just told: "never mind...can happen..." And then we bought train tickets and more than half an hour we waited for the train nad finally started our exciting journey...Everything was Ok til the time, when we to say it...We don´t understand Danish, so we didn´t leave the train in Fredericia, or somethink like this, and traveled far far away...I think we left the train in we traveled around one half of Denmark and we were so tired...But it was funny, we played some games and laughed in the silent zone in the train, I have never known it before. Finally we stopped in Haderslev and Jesper Friis Kissow waited for me to take me home...sweet home...